For Universities, Colleges, Engineering Training & Research Associations
Tensile Testing is an essential part of a wide range of engineering and construction courses which incorporate materials testing modules.
It is one of the most common mechanical testing techniques, essential for discovering whether materials are fit for a purpose and meet quality control and safety standards. Academic institutions teach practical tensile testing, using specimens, in a host of courses ranging from mechanical and materials engineering, aeronautical and aerospace engineering, to building technology, civil engineering, medical bio-engineering and many more besides.
Tensile testing is a destructive engineering process, and a constant supply of test specimens is required to meet the demand. We at Modulus & Matrix are here to supply your quotas of plastic and metallic tensile test specimens, from our comprehensive list.
Our products fill a need for anyone looking for a reliable supply of good quality metallic tensile test specimens that cannot be practically or cost-effectively produced in-house. Our test specimens are usually stock items – just call us on (44) 01749 870737 or drop us an email specifying your choices.
Our range of metallic tensile test specimens have a good turned finish to size B, (nominally 20 square mms cross-sectional area), round with button-ends, generally meeting BS EN ISO 6892 specifications, and colour-coded by us for identification.
We have ferrous and non-ferrous test specimens available (4 carbon steels, an aluminium alloy, brass and copper) as standard. We can also consider supplying others such as stainless steel, titanium and cast iron.
Our range of plastic tensile test specimens are injection-moulded, and available in 1-size, dumb-bell/dog-bone shape, colour-coded for identification. Being of good quality they will help you achieve accurate, reproducible, valid and consistent test results when determining the mechanical properties of a range of 11 different plastic materials.
These include low and high density polyethylene, polystyrene, nylon, polycarbonate, polypropylene, acrylic polymer, acetal copolymer and ABS.
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Or telephone : +44 (0)1749 870737